Theology of the Ordinary - ePub

Theology of the Ordinary - ePub



Looking to go deeper on your own? What originally brought Matt to Scotland was his wife Julie’s pursuit of a PhD in Theology. After winning awards for her thesis, she settled into raising four kids in Methlick and dove into the ordinary “school of the parish.” The joys and challenges of living an ordinary life in the presence of God gave rise to this little book, and is the lived theology behind what Godspeed is about.

With an easy, conversational style, she writes about

- The blessing of the Father on ordinary life and creation
- The inhabitation of the Son in ordinary life as the rule, not exception, for redemption
- The ways the Spirit works in our ordinary lives to bring us into the new creation

With each section, she also examines a 'cultural temptation' that threatens to undermine our ability to offer God our ordinary lives. The questions at the end of each chapter make this an appropriate book for small groups and book groups alike.

ePub $11